Friday, 25 November 2011

Wiki, The New Domain Name Rush; What The Buyers Don't Want Anyone to Know

Baltimore, Maryland (PRWEB) January 14, 2007

Most of the good domain names were taken during the domain name rush of the 90's. Even into this millennium names were still being registered at an alarming rate. So much so that even names having no meaning whatsoever were registered by people in the hopes that they could get a slice of the wealth some people were generating with domain names.

Case in point, in 2001 the domain men dot com sold for 2 million dollars, thats 2,000,000 for a domain name. Or how about the person who bought Business dot com for $ 150,000 in 1997 and then turned around and sold it for 7.5 million.

The next rush for domain wealth came with the LLL domains, that's 3 letter domains to those of you that are new to the business. Which then turned into numbers and letters. I.E. 123 etc. Then came the blogs. Oh yes the Blog revolution. If you registered a decent name with the word blog at the end of it, more then likely you had a gold mine. Now it's blog this and blog that.

So now we are in another cycle of the domain name game. Everyone is looking for that domain that will convert to some big $ $ $ . And just when we thought that the domain business just might be fizzling, along came wiki's. That's right, the new game in town, it's wiki this and wiki that. Some of the bigger domain investors knew this a couple of years ago. Even big companies like Nascar got in on the game early.

Not only does the name roll off your tongue(remember that pop song from the 80's, wiki, wiki, wiki?), it also has a meaning in the computer world. A wiki is a type of website that allows visitors to easily add, remove, and or edit and change some available content, sometimes without the need for registration. More and more people are starting to realize the goldmine that Wiki's are starting to become.

For instance if you were to do a search for the term wiki on google you would get over 200 million results. That's 2 hundred Million with a capital M. What this shows more then anything else is that Wiki's are headed the same way that blogs did, lots and lots of people are investing in and installing Wiki websites and domain names.

Even now most well used terms with the word wiki(just like blog), at the end of the domain name are gone. Will wiki's be the next ticket to the domain name rush? Who knows, but one thing is for certain, wiki's are being registered at rates almost comparable to the original domain name rush. And if you miss out on this one, well let's just say you will have no one to blame but yourself.


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